Lunes, Marso 3, 2014

Lymphatic System

Every day we struggle from big stuff, small stuff, and micro stuff. We might not even know that we are fighting for our lives when we deal with the micros. Fortunately, we survive, out-win, and resist this "micros"

There are plenty of microorganisms that can potentially harm our body, but thanks to our lymphatic system, we are able to defend ourselves. The lymphatic system has lymph and lymph nodes which filters microorganism that enter the body. From there the body projects symptoms. The red bone marrow then produce more T and B cells to immunize the body. If there is an infection T and B cells increase in number for the body to resist infection. Immunity has two types: innate and adaptive. In innate immunity the body recognizes and destroys foreign substances, but the response is the same every time the body is exposed to the same substance. On the other hand, adaptive immunity has specificity and memory that the body remembers the particular substance and destroy it.  The substance is acquired again, the body responds much faster and stronger. Adaptive immunity is acquired, it may be: one is exposed to the infection, through experience, artificially like those of vaccines or from the mother when a baby is still in the womb. Concluding, the lymphatic system is literally "what-doesn’t-kill-you-makes-you-stronger"

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